green machine

i got the idea for the name of this blog from my science teacher. he has us turn in our asignments to a folder called the green machine. i figured even though the thing is very green already i might as well make it even more so.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Plankton part 4

Lab Procedure:

conventional microscope:
1. place 10 drops of plankton water in to each depresion
2. place a drop of the magic slow liquid in to each depresion
3. plug microscope in to wall socket and turn on lite
4. place samples under microscope
5. using the smallest magnification (10x) adjust the stage using the black nobs on the side till sample area is clear
6. once in focus sketch plankton in your journal
7. identify plankton using marine i.d. books
8. record number of diferent plankton species from your sample in to your book

Pro scope:
1. cover the botom of sample dish in plankton water and insert 2 drops of the slowing solution
2. plug pro scope in to computer and make sure the lense is attached corectly
3. select the pro scope's program from the start menu and initiate it
4. attatch pro scope to its stand using the black screw
5. adjust inclination of the proscope till the end of the lense is in the liquid
6. using slight adjustments with your hands to manipulate the angle of the pro scope, adjust the focus
7. once in focus sketch plankton in your journal
8. identify plankton using marine i.d. books
9. record number of diferent plankton species from your sample in to your book

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