green machine

i got the idea for the name of this blog from my science teacher. he has us turn in our asignments to a folder called the green machine. i figured even though the thing is very green already i might as well make it even more so.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Plankton part 6

In my hypothesis I stated that I belived there would be nine diferent species of plankton. I was half correct, I did find nine diferent species of plankton but I was only able to identify six of them.

Posible Sources of Error:
My sketches might not have been acurate enough to get a positive ID.
I might have mistaken a grain of sand or other non planktonic life for a plankton or vice versa.
the samples might have been contaminated or disturbed.
the microscopes might not have caught all of the plankton that were in the sample.

Plankton part 5

Data: I found nine diferent planktons but I was having a hard time identifying them.
I have pictures of only a couple of the plankton though.

Data analysis: The scientific names of the plankton that I found and identified are as folows;
hyperiid amphipods
metatrochophore larva (spionidae)
oncaea cyclopoid

The identified plankton pictured are as folows from top to botom on the left marjin of the page;

The first picture on the top is, sappharina

The photo in the middle is, hyperiid amphipods

The last photo, the one on the botom, is called, oncaea cyclopoid copepod

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Plankton part 4

Lab Procedure:

conventional microscope:
1. place 10 drops of plankton water in to each depresion
2. place a drop of the magic slow liquid in to each depresion
3. plug microscope in to wall socket and turn on lite
4. place samples under microscope
5. using the smallest magnification (10x) adjust the stage using the black nobs on the side till sample area is clear
6. once in focus sketch plankton in your journal
7. identify plankton using marine i.d. books
8. record number of diferent plankton species from your sample in to your book

Pro scope:
1. cover the botom of sample dish in plankton water and insert 2 drops of the slowing solution
2. plug pro scope in to computer and make sure the lense is attached corectly
3. select the pro scope's program from the start menu and initiate it
4. attatch pro scope to its stand using the black screw
5. adjust inclination of the proscope till the end of the lense is in the liquid
6. using slight adjustments with your hands to manipulate the angle of the pro scope, adjust the focus
7. once in focus sketch plankton in your journal
8. identify plankton using marine i.d. books
9. record number of diferent plankton species from your sample in to your book

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Plankton part 3

Wind: mild
Weather: sunny
Wave Action: calm
Temp: 25.2*
pH: 8.4
Tide: Low
Salinity: 21%
Dissolved Oxygen: 2
Nitrates: 1
Phosphates: 1
Turbidity: 0jtu

Plankton part 2

Question: How diverse are the plankton species of south maui?

Hypothesis: I believe there will be nine types of plankton.

Materials: plankton net, line (rope), research area, journal, microscope, slides, pippet, jars, slip, ID book, pen, nitrates kit, phosphates kit, turbidity kit, disolved oxygen kit, refractometer, fancy thermometer.

Field Procedure:
1. put net in water and tow for 3 minutes
2. place sample in jar
3. colect water sample in test tube
4. place aproptiate pelet in tube depending on wether you are performing the dissolved oxygen, nitrates, or phosphates test
5. skake tube till pelet is disolved, in the case of the nitrates test insert pelet number 2 in to tube and continue to shake till disolved.
6. once pelet(s) are disolved wait five minutes then compare the color of the liquid in the tube to the apropriate slide and record result in journal.
7. repeat step 3 and then place test tube on to the turbidity slide and record result.
8. using pippete place water on to the slide of the refractometer, analyse and record result in journal
9. place the end of the fancy thermometer in to water and record the pH and temperature in your journal
10. record wind weather and wave observations in journal along with any other relavent information.
11. return to lab

Plankton part 1

Intro: The word Plankton comes from the word planktos meaning drifter as in that they can not swim against the current. Plankton can be anything from algae to a baby turttle. There are four ways to clasify plankton; what they eat, what color they are, their lifestyle, and their size. The two ways for plankton to obtain sustinance are by eating other plankton or by photosynthesis, plant plankton or those that eat by photosynthesis are called phytoplankton. The carniverous plankton or heterotropic, hetero meaning diferent, are called zooplankton, zoo meaning animal. The color of a plankton mostly aplies to algae or seaweed, there are many diferent colors ranging from the usual green to red or brown all the way to golden, blue green algae is the most important though because it produces ninety percent of our breathable oxygen. The lifestyle of a plankton may seem odd to classify by but it is very important. Some plankton only spend part of their lives as plankton, those are called meroplankton, mero meaning part, these are organisms like tutttles or larval fish. Holoplankton or plankton that spend their whole life as plankton are what we normaly thinkof when we hear plankton. The size of a plankton is very important because there is such a range. There are many groups for clasifying size so I will just mention a fuew. To be classified as a mega plankton they need to be at least 2mm across, this is the largest classification so even jellyfish that have 100 foot long tentacles fall in to this catagory. Another catagory is that of micro plankton thse plankton are fom 0.6 mm to 0.2 mm. The smallest catagory is that of ultra plankton from the size of 0.005 mm and smaller.