green machine

i got the idea for the name of this blog from my science teacher. he has us turn in our asignments to a folder called the green machine. i figured even though the thing is very green already i might as well make it even more so.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Origin of Sand Lab part1

Intro: There are two types of beaches; detrital and biogenic. Detrital is a beach that comes from rocks, here they are made from lava rocks so they are usually black or red. Biogenic beaches originate from organic sources like fish feces and dead coral. We will test if a beach is biogenic by testing for calcium carbonate by pouring vinegar in a sample. The chemical reaction that will ensue is as such; vinegar (acetic acid) + calcium carbonate ----> calcium acetate + water + carbon dioxide 2CH3COOH + CaCO3 ----> Ca(CH3COO)2 + H2O + CO2 .

Question: What enviormental characteristics make a beach biogenic or detrital?

H: I think that beaches with alot of coral in the water around it will be biogenic, while beaches with rocks in the water will be detrital. If I find coral at a biogenic beach and rock at a detrital beach then my hypothesis will be correct.

Materials: Journal
Writing implement
sample cups (2)
appropriate clothing

Procedure: 1)drive to Waipuilani beach
2) collect sample in sample cup
3) record enviormental observations in journal
4) go to Oneuli beach
5) collect sample in sample cup 6) record enviormental observation in journal
7) go to lab
8) perform vinegar test on samples For your reference: vinegar (acetic acid) + calcium carbonate ----> calcium acetate + water + carbon dioxide 2CH3COOH + CaCO3 ----> Ca(CH3COO)2 + H2O + CO2
9) record results
10) make conclusion

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