green machine

i got the idea for the name of this blog from my science teacher. he has us turn in our asignments to a folder called the green machine. i figured even though the thing is very green already i might as well make it even more so.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

whale lab

Whales are very complex and mysterious animals and we still don't know all about them. Many people for many reasons come to Hawaii to see them. As Tiffany Kidder from the Kai Kanani said, "As the new generations of whales come in to adult hood the whale population becomes less scared of humans."(2010)

What type of pod is most frequent for whales to be in at different times in the season?

For first observation we went out to McGregor's point. For my partner(Lindsey) and I the observing went rather well, we saw many whales and completely filled our data sheet. My personal favorite part was working with my friend because she is fun to fork with and we were able to joke around and still get alot of work done. I would say that the most chalenging part is probably the fact that i forgot that we were going out side so i wore three inch heels and those of you that have been to McGrogors point you know that is a very bad place to wear heals because it is so rocky and un even. I love watching whales because it is so incredible to me that they can throw themselves in the air like they do.

0. record location and weather observations
1. find whale(s)
2. spot whale through clinometer and have buddie record angle
3. record all aspects outlined on data sheet
4. repeat for every whale (group)
5. once all whales recorded calculate distances